viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

World Book Day

The World Book Day (also known as the International Day of the Book or World Books Day) is a yearly event on 23 April organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright. 
(*Dato curioso) In the United Kingdom the day is instead recognised on the first Thursday of March.

This day is to commemorate Miguel Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega's death in 1616.
In Spain, we use this date to delive the Cervantes Award, the biggest award you can give to a spanish writer.  

Here's a lovely video about books and reading. Enjoy. 

We've realised that the leading role is Buster Keaton, a famous and appreciated actor of silent films. Here's a picture of him: 
This short film was written by William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg in 2011. They won an Oscar for "Best animated short film".

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