miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Present Continuous.

Present Continuous.

Para formar el present continuous se utiliza el verbo auxiliar "to be" y el gerundio (=infinitivo + "-ing") del verbo.

talking, eating, learning, doing, going...
He, She, It
talking, eating, learning, doing, going...
You, We, They
talking, eating, learning, doing, going...
    -Affirmative Sentences.

    Estructura: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + gerundio ("-ing").
    • I'm talking (Estoy hablando.)
    • He's eating. (Está comiendo.)
    • They're learning. (Están aprendiendo.)

    -Negative Sentences.
    Estructura: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + auxiliar negativo ("not") + gerundio ("-ing").
    • I'm not talking. (No estoy hablando.)
    • He's not [He isn't] eating. (No está comiendo.)
    • They're not [They aren't] learning. (No están aprendiendo.) 

      -Interrogative Sentences.
      Estructura: Verbo auxiliar ("to be") + sujeto + gerundio ("-ing")?.Ejemplos:
        • Are you talking? (¿Estás hablando?)
        • Is he eating? (¿Está comiendo?)
        • Are they learning? (¿Están aprendiendo? 

          -Uses (usos)

      1. El presente continuo se utiliza para hablar sobre algo que está pasando en el momento en el que hablamos. Expresiones de tiempo como "now","right now" and "at the moment" indican el presente continuo.
        • I'm studying now. (Estoy estudiando ahora.)
        • He's eating at the moment. (Está comiendo en este momento.)

      1. Para hablar de algo que está sucediendo en la actualidad pero no necesariamente cuando hablamos. En este caso, se utilizan expresiones de tiempo como "currently", "lately" o "these days". Ejemplos:
        • She's currently looking for a job. (Actualmente está buscando un trabajo.)
        • Are you working much lately? (¿Estás trabajando mucho últimamente?)

      1. Usamos el presente continuo para hablar de algo que está ya decidido que se hará en el futuro próximo (es bastante seguro que lo planificado sucederá).
        • I'm going to the party tonight. (Voy a la fiesta esta noche.)
        • Are you working next week? (¿Trabajas la semana que viene?) 
          *Nota: Hay unos verbos que no solemos usar en los tiempos continuos:


      1. I _______________ the questions. (to answer)
      2. You ________________ boots. (to wear)
      3. We ______________ for work. (to look)
      4. She ______________ her friend. (to call)
      5. He _______________ a house. (to build)
      6. They _______________ supper. (to cook)
      7. We ______________ a story. (to tell)
      8. You ______________ for the bus. (to wait)
      9. I _______________ a book. (to read)
      10. They _______________ berries. (to pick)

          1. I am answearing the questions.
          2. You are wearing boots.
          3. We are looking for work.
          4. She is calling her friend.
          5. He is building a house.
          6. They are cooking supper.
          7. We are telling a story.
          8. You are waitting for the bus.
          9. I am reading a book.
          10. They are picking berries.

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